Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Whats goin on??

The frequency of my blogging is coming down drastically and I've been thinking what to do to boost it up. And there's nothing new happening either. It is the change in my class hours which has changed the lifestyle a bit. I (kind of) get up early, bathe, cook food, pack lunch for him, leave by 8.30 or 9 in the morning and get back home around 2-ish right in time for lunch. Assignments have multiplied numerously as we are already into the past imperfect kind of boring stuff in grammar. But there is variety of homework to be done. For each class hour, it looks like we have to practice an hour outside of the class! So I have 3 + 3 = 6 hours occupied thinking and talking español all the time! And then we go for a jog in the evening and come back home for dinner. Cut vegetables for next day, wash vessels.. But I did manage to do some interesting things in between my last post and this one. I watched two Tamil movies, Ravana and Kalavani. 

Ravana - more a commercial movie, typical Maniratnam set-up. I couldn't take the same ol' monotony in the first half, people with guns, heroine kidnapped by an anti-hero guy! One movie where he made viewers asking, "Ok, so?". I somehow felt I can't see Ash anymore on screen.. her actions and emotions are stereotypical! And I hate women crying even on screen! I liked the second half though. Kalavani was a great entertainer in a village backdrop with new "not yet uninteresting" faces, I'm yet to watch the last half hour. I was bored of washing vessels, so I'm writing this now! How I wish the dishwashers here can wash the vessels well by themselves.. Poor invention!!


Moonlight said...

Hey... estoy estudio Espanol tambien! :) :)

How are you liking learning Spanish? :)

Uthra Mohan said...

Wowwww... that's cool.. I donno how it is to learn it there.. I'm sure u hav authentic native speakers teaching u.. But to learn it here is certainly like learning it right from the people who own it.. Its awesome!! Such a sweet, simple language.. unlike German ;-)