Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The whole world is against us!!

This is what we feel most of the time right.. Last few days the weather was simply awesome! Breezy, drizzling, chill.. i can think all pleasant adjectives. But when i stepped out for my class yesterday, all of a sudden it became really hot! Gosh, i felt that the rain gods were against me! Happens many a time.. One of the doors had some trouble  and had to be fixed. I had complained about it to the Apartment Admin. And they didn't send anyone until just an hour before i had to step out.. With all possible noises, when i'm getting ready, there was this guy who was fixing it, giving me a headache. Couple of days back, i had prepared the lunch in time (surprisingly!) and was of the assumption that hez gonna come home at his usual time for lunch, when he called up and turned it down. He was delayed bcos of a meeting. So i was waiting for him an hour and half more. He finally came and following him came my Guitar instructor too!! I was only stunned to see how things happen when you don't expect it at all.. I had preponed my Guitar class timings only for one day in a week but he misinterpreted it for both the days! Luckily i had cooked more than enough for 3 people, which i normally don't do, as i don't like wasting food.. So i was able to host him as well. And last sunday the weather was so amazing in the morning, he put on all his sportswear, tied his shoe laces and called me also to accompany his running.. I guess the sun God heard it this time too!! From nowhere came the scorching bright sun and i had to cheer him up to go out somewhere else, just bcos he was ready to head out! So many things, big and small keep happening right at the moment when we really don't want it to, or expect it to happen.. and just give us the feeling that the whole world is against us!! And we have to finally take it as "Everything's for good!" and get going..

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