Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Along the shore..

Its been few days now that i wrote a new post.. Life had somehow turned out to be a monotonous routine!! I wanted to forget cooking and cleaning for a while!! In particular i didn't want to check "what time is it now?" - The question word "when" is something that i hate.. In fact I'm not a great example for punctuality.. Uhh.. am i revealing any truth here?? Its ok, but in general i'm a laid back person!! Unless and otherwise it is an interview, a class or an appointment or something really important, i don't bother to check the time on my clock.. Sometimes my poor husband has to wait for me to get ready with my hair-do or make-up.. which of course every husband does ;-) ha ha.. how good it feels when i'm writing it that I'm not the only wife who delays in dressing up!! Wives! Pls leave positive comments to back me up here.. 

So this weekend we went to Corpus Christi, four hours' drive from here (with proper breaks in-between). We left on Saturday forenoon and came back Monday night. Ya, Monday was Labor Day (holiday) and hence a long weekend here in the US.. It had been a longgg time and we did deserve a good break with some fun.. Corpus Christi is a coastal city in the southern Texas region. It has a marine climate, not too salty a wind as in Chennai coasts, but salty, yes, bcos of the beaches there. We had a wonderful drive along the shoreline. The best part was that i could also drive, now that i have a temporary license. So we shared the drive.. he did the first half and i did the second half towards Corpus. It was a scenic drive all the way through.. Weather was pleasant too.. And driving on a freeway in places around Austin is a must-to-enjoy experience!! This was my first expedition.. hee hee.. and i did it without any damage to Texas citizens and properties on the roads ;-) Mohan had been very patient in teaching me the rules and regulations here.. In fact he had a tough time with me!! I had a license from India which i thought wud help me learn easier.. But i was wrong, it was all the more difficult to just accept and digest the "Keep Right" factor on road and also a not-too-good feeling of simply being instructed by your husband..  No wife wants to be told to do something!! I'm no exception ;-) When he used to teach me, he wud ask me to take a left.. and i wud sincerely take a left as told by my instructor husband and go onto the left side of the road!! And then also accuse him of not instructing me properly and remind me to keep right.. Lol.. you should see how he used to get scared and irritated, both at the same time!! Well well.. thats how i learned it.. The hard way!! But i kinda managed this far that i drove outside the city.. Hip hip.. hurray!!! So there were four things that i thoroughly enjoyed in the trip!!

1. I didnt wear a watch.. Yeaahhh!! Pretty much managed to forget "what time is it now??"

2. I drove on the freeway connecting two cities!!

3. We tried an adventure sport.. 
Jet skiing - zooooooom into the Atlantic ocean for half hour.. 
saw Hrithik Roshan doing it in DHOOM??

4. A pleasant calm ride for two hours on a Flagship (small cruise) into the ocean, from where the skyline was breathtaking..

Along the shore the cloud waves break.. And then there is complete silence after that!! This was one such pleasant trip to remember for ever!!

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