Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nested with love

Days go by slowly, months go faster! And we keep wondering how! Yes it is high time for yet another post from me. While it is interesting to experiment my voice and guitar with recording and mixing trends, it is also challenging to keep pace with new faster or retro rhythms simultaneously both on my vocal cord and the instrumental chord. This time I've uploaded a long forgotten RD Burman guitar number, when Jaya Bacchan was at the best of her charms as Jayabhaduri. Check it out on my jukebox. And the sequel to my previous post is coming up soon too.

As I'm even writing this post, my mind still wanders outside into my patio at this dark hour of the night, disturbed as well as awed by the dedicated little sparrow, which has laid its eggs into the nest that it built on one of our hanging pots out there. In spite of the complexity and convolution of the nest, I was able to take a quick peek into it last week after a great venture, to see how many eggs it actually is mothering. And here comes the picture of four cute small eggs. The darling little mother and its mate with some thugs along wouldn't let me water the plant nor even touch it! I'm now reading facts about how long it takes for a sparrow's eggs to hatch etc.. An interesting fact that I've learnt: "Disturbing any species of a migratory bird's nest, feathers or eggs is punishable".. as per the Migratory bird treaty Act ;-) although house sparrows are an exception.. Well it has been fun for more than two weeks now.. I hope it is just couple of more weeks to go for the babies to fly!

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