Monday, May 2, 2011

180 No Rules - Nee korinal

I'm back with a latest flick in Tamil. This is a really beautiful mesmerizing song in Tamil after a long time by Karthik and Swetha. The whole album is too good, must listen! And this one is surely an innovative number in terms of rhythms and beats. The pace of the song increases slowly with a perfect mixing of traditional tune followed by jazzy beats. Music is by Sharreth or Sharat, relatively new composer in Tamil. Hopefully this movie of Siddarth doesn't turn out to be one like "Boys" again!

I'm uploading this one on Youtube and on my jukebox as well, since it is an Audio mixing that I've done with some minimal effects. It is again, my version.. This is the first time I'm using a recorder/mixer (finally started using it!). So there are a couple of places that I couldn't handle to perfection. Hope I get better next time. It is so much fun using a mixing software although it takes a lot of time. The song is definitely enjoyable. Listen to it and leave your comments.


Anonymous said...

can u pls provide the meaning of the lyrics ....i listened to it fr 8 hours continous :)

Uthra Mohan said...

Woww!! Ok.. here's a rough translation of it line by line! may not be as poetic as the native language. Here it goes..

If you request, won't the skies change!
And won't the clouds drizzle everyday nonstop!

There's no fire, but you agitated me
Don't close your window and run away

Hey you beautiful one running away

If you request, won't the skies change!
And won't the clouds drizzle everyday nonstop!

To not touch you even after seeing you, I'm not any saint
My better half, you're a flower, don't wither

There's honey on your lips, let me drink it
If you request, won't the skies change!
And won't the clouds drizzle everyday nonstop!

Anonymous said...

Thank you madam... :)

SHOHINI said...

Beautiful song. Thanks a lot for providing the translation. I suddenly chanced upon this today and listened to it on loop the entire day!!

Uthra Mohan said...

Thank you Shohini!

Uthra Mohan said...

Thank you Shohini!