Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend Fiesta ;-)

Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it. 

Yeah.. I love weekends!!!

Traditionally the two non-working days in a seven day week.. But for me the two most tied up days, like the rest of the days in the week!! Remember i told you i have soooo much to do during the week everyday!!! Saturday mornings usually some devil inside him will wake him up early for his 3 hour long practice session for the half marathon at the Austin town lake, where he runs around 8 miles with a desi group. By the time he gets back i would have silently finished my casual calls to India with everyone.. And then when he is back his mobile will start screaming with calls and missed calls for the next 2 or 3 hours!! Phew.. thats when he finds time to talk to India leisurely.. Then it will be time for refilling our grocery cart!! We visit the Indian groceries here only once or twice a week as they are pretty costly. So whenever we need rice or anything really "indian indian", then we go there. Otherwise we normally visit our favourite FIESTA where we can get fresh vegetable stocks on Saturday forenoons. Eventhough it is a Mexican grocers, we find pretty much all Indian items, especially the veggies.. In fact their eatable products are imported from all over the world ranging from American States to the East Asian Countries.. Interesting is that the staffs there at the counter sometimes struggle to understand and identify some veggies which the localites here don't buy. Once i remember buying some pudina and they finally found it listed under a strange name Yerba buena. We thought it was Hispanic but when i looked up online it attributed to Bogota (Capital of Colombia in South America).. It is definitely an interesting place to buy food items and we prefer going there for other outlets, at least for those desi keralite style plaintain chips that he loves to eat, which we don't get even at many Indian stores here. So Fiesta makes our weekends kinda special ;-) 

Then there is some party or the other to visit.. Some celebrate a b'day, some name a newborn, some simply call us over a dinner or we call some family over a dinner.. Or if at all there's nothing or nobody to see, there is a Hindu temple which we regularly visit every Friday evening or Sunday whichever is convenient. So weekends here are mostly about inviting, visiting and either ways most importantly eating food and saying "Food was lovely!" - Well food will definitely be lovely.. I'm happy there is a pool side party coming up tomorrow again after a long time!! This one is hosted by my neighbor in event of their newborn baby (boy). And the sunday is certainly going to be special at the Austin Hindu Temple (AHT) on the account of Vinayaka Chathurthi.. 

The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend ;-)

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