Monday, August 31, 2009

Guitar sprites!!

Two weeks of no Guitar practice!! I was waiting for my Guitar instructor today to tense me up with his usual questions.. "so how ve ya been gettin' along with the Beatles?.. so show me what ya ve been tryin' of late!" Huhhh.. his accent itself wud make me feel nervous in the first few classes!! And his tattoos all over his arms.. Typical Guitarist!! Just that he doesn't have a long hair plaited at the corners or let lose hanging all over the eyes hiding almost the whole of your face.. however he used to hav a french beard.. And actually hez bald-headed!! Not the kewl-headed-yet-snobbish-Guitarist type.. We went to see his performance once in a small old restaurant/bar near the downtown area.. Man he was simply rocking on his honky tonk electric Guitar.. Too good to believe that i'm his student ;-)

Initially i was worried how he would get along with me, what methods he wud use to teach me and so on.. And it was i who looked him up from the Craigslist advertisements, the best one for lowest coaching charges who wud come home to teach.. He came with the idea that i'm just a lil average above beginner or just a beginner, but he liked the way i picked up and followed his notes and Rhythms and almost instantaneously.. So we kinda got comfortable later on!! Now a couple of weeks back, he came home for a dinner with us and told Mohan, that i'm his "Star" Student.. ***Star*** yeaahhh ;-)

Now-a-days too many guitar players are wanting to play and learn metal guitar that it may seem that most metal music does not follow any music theory rules and that most metal guitar players just play fast. But if you look a little beyond the tattoos and long hair you will find that some or many of these guitar players have actually taken the time to learn to play the instrument, develop monster technique and speed and know the music theory “rules”. My instructor, for instance, has been playing since 30 yrs now.. And he has been playing for a lot of bands since 20yrs. So lets say, it takes at least 10yrs to master an instrument!! 

Last two weeks he was out of town to see his mom.. And here comes the big man today for the first time ever.. without his Guitar for the class!! He is definitely very confident about me, no doubt.. But not to this extent that he forgets to bring his instrument along.. Long way to go for me! I'm just half way up the ladder!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Go for a ride.. helter-skelter!!

I'm glad to see many of my very old friends managing to push themselves into the traffic created by my blog along with my other good friends around me. One of them even asked me if i'm planning to write poems!! I used to write them during my college days and let them drift in the air.. Nice to see people getting back to me with different feedbacks. It has all been reminding me of the past days. How i miss a lot of them!! It is not just marriage or jobs which bring a lot of change in life or pull us apart from our near and dear ones. There's more to it.. mmm.. mebbe Time, the amazing factor which by itself probably doesn't know what it is doing to everyone of us in our lives. Oh no time to do this, no time to eat, no time to sleep, no time to write emails or keep in touch with old friends that are gone out of our lives, no time to call up my own sibblings who're placed far away, no time to excercise, no time to breathe!! Oh i forgot my pills today, i forgot my Doctor's appointment, i forgot to wish for a friend's bday, i forgot i've invited someone over a coffee, i forgot to take my mobile along, i forgot to pick up some stuffs  on the way, oh i truly forgot i'm on fasting today (we don't forget to eat though)!! Time is precious, they say.. Time is money!! No wonder, we are trying to beat it..

Today i'm here, writing a blog, trying to prove something. Tomorrow i have an agenda as part of my weekend plans. And in a week's time i'd try to prepare myself for attempting a driver's license test. And in a fortnight's time i'm going to do a short Spanish course. And in a month and a half's time i'm looking forward to celebrate my first diwali after wedding.. The list is long, i can go on and fill it in with what i intend to do until i die. Some have still longer lists.. The material Agenda!! which beats the immaterial Time!!

Ok it has been a couple of weeks that i played my Guitar lessons as my instructor went on a vacation.. I need to catch up with it.. No time :-(

Oh immortal one!!
You walk, we run
You run, we chase
You hide, we find
You hold, we squeeze
You escape, we entangle
You bet, we dare
All the while ahead of you, we ramble
W'out you even being aware..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bcoz we want the best??

We always crave for the best things in our life.. We often feel bad that we don't have the best car, the best mobile, the best home, the best friends, the best job, the best pay (this i guess even Bill Gates would be complaining!). Interestingly we keep trying to achieve these in life. Can we also say that these are the motivating factors which keep us boosted to try more and more. In a way it makes total sense. Yes we deserve to get the best for the efforts we put in..  And it is amazing to see that we don't want to lose, cos we want the best!! And for whom?? For ourselves, for our kith and kin, for our kids.. We are able to achieve anything in our "wishlist" that is materialistic. What about "life" by itself? Is it there in our wishlist? Are we knowingly ignoring the fact that life can't continue to exist on this planet this way? Are we doing this to our own kids bcos we want the best?? We can give them everything they want, but can we give them what they actually need?? The list is originally very small.. Space to live, Air to breathe, Water to drink, Food to eat, Clothes to wear.. And whatever we are doing to the earth right now is enough to detain them from the above listed.

Governments all over the world are planning to stop the usage and thereby the production of plastic bags. It is marching its way out and we are moving in towards B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Bag, not Bottle). Plastic bags are typically thrown away after one use, do not break down easily in the environment, fill landfills, and float into trees, rooftops, roadways and oceans. Americans throw away almost 100 billion plastic bags every year, and only 1 percent to 3 percent are recycled, leaving the rest to clog streams, foul landscapes, and kill birds and marine mammals. Did we even know what we were doing to our fellow creatures?? Over 100,000 marine animals DIE every year from plastic entanglement..

Paper or Plastic? Paper bags, which many people consider a better alternative to plastic bags, carry their own set of environmental problems. For example, according to the American Forest and Paper Association, in 1999 the U.S. alone used 10 billion paper grocery bags, which adds up to a lot of trees. And some industry reps say it takes more energy to recycle a paper bag vs. plastic.

Reusable cloth bags are much more eco-friendly and you can help by using them as alternatives to paper or plastic. We can help by doing some very simple things:

1.         Switch to reusable shopping bags and replace paper and plastic bags. Reusable bags are convenient and come in a variety of sizes, styles and materials. 

2.         Recycle your plastic bags. If you do end up using plastic bags now and then, be sure to recycle them. If you already have a collection of plastic bags from past shopping trips, make sure you reuse them. Take them out with you when you go shopping, or use them to store items.

3.         Take a look at what you already have in your house. Beach bags, canvas bags, shopping bags, backpacks, etc. can all be used to carry items home from a shopping excursion.

4.         Very importantly, stop using plastic/paper plates in partys. The next time you buy plates for partys make sure you look for "biodegradable" paper cups/plates.

I have seen many people doing this today sincerely. If they can, everyone of us should.

"God makes three requests of his children. Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now" 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New laws.. Drive crazy!!

Its a known fact that driving rules and regulations are more stringent in most of the developed nations. There's no compromise for driving under influence or crossing the roads against signal. In other words, whatever is mentioned by the DPS (Department of Public Safety, like the RTO in India) as a rule/regulation in the Traffic laws laid, has to be adhered to. In the event of over-riding any of the rules, we end up getting a warning or a ticket which is recorded under the Social Security Number (SSN). This SSN is issued to every individual and administered by the Social Security Administration, an independent agency of the US govt. Anything good or bad throughout the life is recorded under this SSN and monitored at places like hospitals, govt. agencies, Apartment Offices, Job providers as and when required. 

I just read in a magazine recently that the AAA has helped pass several new Traffic safety laws. AAA is a motor club association in the US through which we have access to services such as 24-hr Roadside Assistance, special member discounts, professional travel services and also the access to vehicle insurance. These laws take effect from Sep 1st, 2009 unless otherwise noted. Some of them follow:

Teen Drivers are not allowed (in the first 12 months of licensure) to drive between midnight and 5AM travelling with more than one passenger under 21 and using wireless communication devices while driving. Previously the restriction period was only six months of licensure.

Driver Education course certificate is required now for applicants under 25 to apply for a license. Previously a course was not mandatory for applicants who were 18 and above. The law requires successful completion of a six-hour state-approved driver education course that covers the dangers of distracted driving (including cell phones).

Booster Seats (child passenger safety-seat system) are required for kids under age 8, unless they are atlease 4 ft 9" tall. Previously it was for children under age 5 and less than 36" tall. For the first 9 months law enforcement will issue warnings for violations. Ticketing for an offense starts June 1st, 2010.

Cell Phones may not used while driving, regardless of any location. AAA Texas urges drivers to refrain from using any WCD, whether handsfree or handheld.

Drinking and Driving has invited tougher laws to be enforced! Whether on land or on water.. Minors convicted of operating a boat with any detectible amount of alcohol in their system will face prosecution. Other provisions including a mandatory one-year license suspension for an alcohol-related conviction of boating or driving when a child is present.

I better clear the written test by the end of this week before my mind gets confused with more changes in the 40-paged book filled with all numbers, figures and signs :-( I have been giving excuses for a long time now.. I would try and give it a shot soon. So one more security risk is on the way for drivers on the road now.. Y'all better watch it!

The best car safety device is a rear view mirror with a cop in it..

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Favorite Hang-outs

Ohhh.... Its Monday again!!!     

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The part 1 AOL course got over yesterday and we had fun dancing, singing and exchanging gifts like it was a graduation day for us!! But it was weekend too.. And what is it a weekend without visitng atleast one of my fav outlets in Austin.. There are a lot of Indian, Mexican, Thai, Italian and American diners here.. I have tried many of them, not all. I like a couple of Mexican outlets like Trudys and Chewys. But mostly i have found that the quality of food in indian restaurants are not so good all the time. So if i have to rate my most favourite ones, then it will look like this: 


Thats my most fav hang-out which grabs all my votes!! I juzzzzz luvvvvv it!! Its YUMMY!! I used to not  eat a whole lot of icecreams back home cos i would fall sick immediately with cold and cough, but now  i wonder how i'm able to manage eating so much of the same!! We usually buy the Dreyers once every two weeks and eat them at home. But we never miss out on visiting this one  specially located on the Canyon Ridge at Palmer and i35. There's a beautiful small lotus pond/fountain set-up artificially with some fishes in entrance of the shop. They have a loottt of flavours, simply creamy. We usually pick one waffle bowl and share but this time we had one biggggg cone for each of us on Saturday, ate it as if it was our lunch, came home and slept! Hee hee.. Just like kids!

The next most fav one is The Masala Wok.. If you want to eat something quick in this neck of the woods options come courtesy of fast-food chains. However more people have found their way to this bright Indo-chinese diner where healthful choices are plentiful and the masala levels are incorporated to our individual likings. Their menu is also almost overwhelming with specialties like Tandoori/Masala Wraps, Veg/Pepper Stir fries with Rice/Noodles, Manchurians with Steamed Rice etc.. We can give our preference of Rice (Brown/Basmati) or Noodles in any item and the Spice  levels (Hot/Medium) while placing our orders. And since we are veggies we replace the non-vegetarian ingredients on all items with Tofu. Turns out it's a chain as well -- based in Texas, with a handful of locations one in Austin, four in Dallas, one in Houston, started first in Washington with other franchises across US. The food is so delicious and we visit the place once every month or two only. We avoid eating there too often so that it doesn't become a routine.

Happy week ahead!!

However Saturday will definitely swing by soon again..

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And don't forget to hav a look at my new jukebox at the sidebar.. More popular songs are yet to come!! Enjoy..

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend Fiesta ;-)

Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it. 

Yeah.. I love weekends!!!

Traditionally the two non-working days in a seven day week.. But for me the two most tied up days, like the rest of the days in the week!! Remember i told you i have soooo much to do during the week everyday!!! Saturday mornings usually some devil inside him will wake him up early for his 3 hour long practice session for the half marathon at the Austin town lake, where he runs around 8 miles with a desi group. By the time he gets back i would have silently finished my casual calls to India with everyone.. And then when he is back his mobile will start screaming with calls and missed calls for the next 2 or 3 hours!! Phew.. thats when he finds time to talk to India leisurely.. Then it will be time for refilling our grocery cart!! We visit the Indian groceries here only once or twice a week as they are pretty costly. So whenever we need rice or anything really "indian indian", then we go there. Otherwise we normally visit our favourite FIESTA where we can get fresh vegetable stocks on Saturday forenoons. Eventhough it is a Mexican grocers, we find pretty much all Indian items, especially the veggies.. In fact their eatable products are imported from all over the world ranging from American States to the East Asian Countries.. Interesting is that the staffs there at the counter sometimes struggle to understand and identify some veggies which the localites here don't buy. Once i remember buying some pudina and they finally found it listed under a strange name Yerba buena. We thought it was Hispanic but when i looked up online it attributed to Bogota (Capital of Colombia in South America).. It is definitely an interesting place to buy food items and we prefer going there for other outlets, at least for those desi keralite style plaintain chips that he loves to eat, which we don't get even at many Indian stores here. So Fiesta makes our weekends kinda special ;-) 

Then there is some party or the other to visit.. Some celebrate a b'day, some name a newborn, some simply call us over a dinner or we call some family over a dinner.. Or if at all there's nothing or nobody to see, there is a Hindu temple which we regularly visit every Friday evening or Sunday whichever is convenient. So weekends here are mostly about inviting, visiting and either ways most importantly eating food and saying "Food was lovely!" - Well food will definitely be lovely.. I'm happy there is a pool side party coming up tomorrow again after a long time!! This one is hosted by my neighbor in event of their newborn baby (boy). And the sunday is certainly going to be special at the Austin Hindu Temple (AHT) on the account of Vinayaka Chathurthi.. 

The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend ;-)

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The clock talked loud. I threw it away, it scared me what it talked.

On Aug 15th, 2009 it had been six months since i got married.. A good date to remember and assure myself how independent i am in life.. I have all the freedom in this world to do all those things that i was complaining i couldn't do due to "lack of time".. or rather due to poor time-management.. And whenever i talk to anyone, be it from India or from here in Austin, they are interested in asking only one question everytime.. never mind if they're not talking to me for the first time.. they still keep asking the same.. "How do you pass time ya?" And my blood pressure will shoot up!! Why should i pass time?? Time doesn't wait for anyone.. It is already passing!! Somehow people all around the world have developed this attitude towards non-working women.. A homemaker has to do something to "pass" time.. Ok get me a job! I wanted one too.. I'm not an IT person, not interested in becoming one too.. I have last been a Team Lead in HP and a German language specialist for 5 Yrs and i can play good music on the Guitar.. This is my profile!! The consultants may ask, "A German.... what??.. u must be joking!" and thats it!! But it is a tradition here to ask, "Oh is your wife working?? Oh if not, then how does she "pass" time ya?" - Goodness gracious, someone explain to them what it takes to be a homemaker and to "pass" that time.. Patience, patience and a lot more of patience!!

Well i get up in the morning everyday.. sometimes early for a morning walk, or sometimes on time just to brush my teeth and prepare breakfast for him.. But the point here is, I get up in the morning.. everyday!! Atleast before 8, i'd have got up and be ready to watch the Airtel Super Singer Junior Season 2 on the Star Vijay TV. Hail to the Vijay TV!! Breakfast is usually dosa if i made the flour ready for the week, or a sandwich.. And if i miss my morning walk, i'll compensate it with a half hour work-out at the apartment gym. And then i cook lunch for him.. no hard and fast rules unless it is some festive occasion. A simple 45 mins to one hour cooking.. If there's food carried over from yesterday, then it is only half hour's job. All that he likes about food is, it has to be served hot!! Microwave ki Jai Ho!! By the way, after gym and before cooking lunch is when i make my morning dutiful calls to India.. to my folks and his folks on alternative days. If i miss it one day, i'll immediately get a call from my mom and she will curse me for having set up the stupid voicemail cos they end up paying for talking to a voicemail.. Thanks to Tata Docomo for their new plan with rates based on seconds instead of minutes.. Yet they don't know how important setting up a voicemail is here.. People here rely more on machines than on human specimens!! They are pretty old now to do a voicechat with us and even if they come online their internet lines will keep breaking our calls every 5 or 10 mins. And after that lunchtime will approach.. he comes home everyday mostly by 12.30 to have proper home-cooked healthy south indian food. And he leaves in max one hour. We are growing some beautiful small plants in our patio like Tulasi, Vrutchi, Curry-leaf, Vinca, Jasmine.. Once he leaves i water them so that they can withstand the sun which starts scorching by 3pm here.. God it is too hot outside to open the patio doors between 3pm and 7pm. Sun sets pretty late by 8.30pm here!

Well it isn't so tough to do something for a timepass during the afternoon.. Especially when there is a laptop, some divine household chores like washing clothes weekly twice, folding the clothes neatly and arrange it in his untidy closet !! and washing vessels twice a day, watching a movie on KTv or UTv Hindi movies once or twice a week, reading a novel online, learning to play one good Tamil or Hindi song on Guitar a week, one or two new Tamil/Hindi classical/devotional/Bhajan songs per week, learning some western country and rock-n-roll from a Guitar instructor every Monday and Thursday for an hour and half, practicing them atleast twice a week.. hold on, i need to breathe inbetween!! Ok.. and there are also these neighbours who keep complaining that i don't visit them "at all" if they dont see me for a week!!! Oh God, i sometimes wonder how there are so many indian families living in my Apartment community.. There are nearly 13 + families that i know here within the complex.. But it is still nice to have so many of them who have formed a Mandali of housewives here.. Most of them are Andhraites.. One Kannadiga is there and one Tamilian. The one Tamilian has gone to India now to celebrate the birth of her baby boy. Anyways i've started understanding Telugu in bits and pieces. This Mandali keeps meeting at somebody's place once a week or two over an evening snack with a new recipe.. So i am part of this Mandali too ;-) Long live the housewives club!! By the time i find that i have nothing to do, it would be already time for him to be back from office!! And did i forget to mention that i don't have the good or bad habit of sleeping in the afternoon?? I hardly find time ya.. who is it here now asking me how i "pass" time??

But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day.