Its a known fact that driving rules and regulations are more stringent in most of the developed nations. There's no compromise for driving under influence or crossing the roads against signal. In other words, whatever is mentioned by the DPS (Department of Public Safety, like the RTO in India) as a rule/regulation in the Traffic laws laid, has to be adhered to. In the event of over-riding any of the rules, we end up getting a warning or a ticket which is recorded under the Social Security Number (SSN). This SSN is issued to every individual and administered by the Social Security Administration, an independent agency of the US govt. Anything good or bad throughout the life is recorded under this SSN and monitored at places like hospitals, govt. agencies, Apartment Offices, Job providers as and when required.
I just read in a magazine recently that the AAA has helped pass several new Traffic safety laws. AAA is a motor club association in the US through which we have access to services such as 24-hr Roadside Assistance, special member discounts, professional travel services and also the access to vehicle insurance. These laws take effect from Sep 1st, 2009 unless otherwise noted. Some of them follow:
Teen Drivers are not allowed (in the first 12 months of licensure) to drive between midnight and 5AM travelling with more than one passenger under 21 and using wireless communication devices while driving. Previously the restriction period was only six months of licensure.
Driver Education course certificate is required now for applicants under 25 to apply for a license. Previously a course was not mandatory for applicants who were 18 and above. The law requires successful completion of a six-hour state-approved driver education course that covers the dangers of distracted driving (including cell phones).
Booster Seats (child passenger safety-seat system) are required for kids under age 8, unless they are atlease 4 ft 9" tall. Previously it was for children under age 5 and less than 36" tall. For the first 9 months law enforcement will issue warnings for violations. Ticketing for an offense starts June 1st, 2010.
Cell Phones may not used while driving, regardless of any location. AAA Texas urges drivers to refrain from using any WCD, whether handsfree or handheld.
Drinking and Driving has invited tougher laws to be enforced! Whether on land or on water.. Minors convicted of operating a boat with any detectible amount of alcohol in their system will face prosecution. Other provisions including a mandatory one-year license suspension for an alcohol-related conviction of boating or driving when a child is present.
I better clear the written test by the end of this week before my mind gets confused with more changes in the 40-paged book filled with all numbers, figures and signs :-( I have been giving excuses for a long time now.. I would try and give it a shot soon. So one more security risk is on the way for drivers on the road now.. Y'all better watch it!
The best car safety device is a rear view mirror with a cop in it..